Thursday, March 22, 2012

Analysis Manager & Msmdarch - Application Error

I have been receiving the follow error when I close Analysis



- Application Error

The instruction at “0x7c8327f9” referenced memory at “0xffffffff”. The

memory could not be “read”

I am also getting the following error when msmdarch completes an archive.


– Application Error

The instruction at “0x7c8327f9” referenced memory at “0xffffffff”. The

memory could not be “read”


am not seeing anything in the event viewer for these errors.

The system is a Win2k3 Server SP1 with 3.75 GB of ram and Sql Server Standard


I have scoured google looking for an answer, but I am coming up short.

Any insight into these errors?

Looks like something is wrong with the installation on your machine.

You can try and re-install Analysis Services on you machine. Please make sure you backup all your databases before doing so.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

|||the only reason I haven't tried that yet is that this is also happening on other machines, another Win2k3 box and an XP machine, I should have stated that.|||


unbelievable. the issues turned out to be the Oracle ODBC driver that we were

using as the Data Source. I updated the ODBC driver with the latest drivers

from Oracle and the issues have gone away for both analysis manager &



Interesting, I have been searching for a solution to a similiar error

DTSRun.exe - Application Error

The instruction at "0x7c8327f9" referenced memory at "0xffffffff". The memory could not be read.

when running a scheduled DTS package Win 2003 sp1 0S that runs fine when not scheduled. The package connects to an Oracle 8i DB to pull data into SQL server 2000 DB tables. Do you have a link for the Oracle Driver you used. I am using Instant Client version 10 driver?

|||I would just pull down the latest instant client from oracle, hopefully that will fix your issue.

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